Vũ Đức Toàn

Vũ Đức Toàn works primarily with performance and installation. His practice engages with the relationship between audience and performer, social rituals, and contexts from historical time periods that have ended or bridged the past and the present. Vũ Đức Toàn graduated from the Department of Art History and Theory, Vietnam University of Fine Arts. 


From 2005 to present, Toàn has been an editor at Fine Arts and Photography Magazine of the Department of Fine Arts, Photography and Exhibition, working at magazines under the Association. In 2010, Vũ Đức Toàn and Nguyễn Huy An founded Phụ Lục (The Appendix) Group, a group of Hanoi-based performance artists.


Text by VCAD based on information from the website's Á Space.

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