A Mound in Exile

Mixed media (earth, water, ashes, spirits,...). 

24 pieces, dimensions variable (transforming according to time, temperature and the environment...). 


Once upon a time, in a country there was a mound of earth, that whenever vibrating, would radiate gold-shone lights and hum soothing lullabies tantalising everyone. One day, hearing about the rumour on this magical mound, a group of unbeknown visitors footed in. As tempted by its beauty and miracle, they decided to arrogate it and did some allocations for themselves. Using both primitive implements and modern equipment, they tried all types of tools to analyse, split and divide the mound into smaller chunks. Nevertheless, from that moment, all that is magical disappeared, the iridescence of gold soon died away, the glistening lights became a pseudo-gildening, and the mound of earth, now no longer sings... The mound is gone. 

The work is a composition of 24 pieces resembling the torn flesh chunks of a body made of earth, dust, ashes, turmeric powder... 24 is also the number of times, of day and night, of light and darkness, of awakes and slumbers, of sanity and madness, of reality and illusion... 

Written by Trương Đối. 

Description is excerpted from "Stratum Zero" Exhibition Guide, 2023, p.11.