Blue ball and the red thread

Installation view of exhibition "Poems of the sky", Sàn Art, 2023.

Installation view of exhibition "Poems of the sky", Sàn Art, 2023.

Installation view of exhibition "Poems of the sky", Sàn Art, 2023.

Artwork details of exhibition "Poems of the sky", Sàn Art, 2023.

Artwork details of exhibition "Poems of the sky", Sàn Art, 2023.

Artwork details of exhibition "Poems of the sky", Sàn Art, 2023.

Artwork details of exhibition "Poems of the sky", Sàn Art, 2023.

Artwork details of exhibition "Poems of the sky", Sàn Art, 2023.

Artwork details of exhibition "Poems of the sky", Sàn Art, 2023.

Artwork details of exhibition "Poems of the sky", Sàn Art, 2023.

Artwork details of exhibition "Poems of the sky", Sàn Art, 2023.

Artwork details of exhibition "Poems of the sky", Sàn Art, 2023.


Site-specific sculptural installation at Sàn Art, including: Bát Tràng ceramic (crackleware) execution at Đậu – Hà ceramic, steel SS400. Dimension variable.


Blue ball and the red thread series is perhaps the most solid example of concretising ideas through materials, and this work is perhaps the most personal of the works on display. The work overwhelms the space with a series of egg-shaped steel panels from crescent to full, serving as a support frame for 21 ceramic paintings, gradually growing from the ground. Inspired by the concept of samsara in the series Flowers of the Four Seasons (Pine, Chrysanthemum, Bamboo and Apricot), the work is a series of days transforming violence and peace, decay and rebirth through the use of earth and steel. Throughout the flow is a red thread leading the blue balls through the cracks of ceramic glaze, looking almost like a maze. The further it goes, the more clearly the steels appear in shape, pushing the ceramic paintings and the balls higher. Perhaps, trying to make sense of those metaphorical images is not as important as the viewer letting themselves follow the red thread, experiencing the correlation between materials and the impression they deliver along the way.

Description is excerpted from "Poems of the sky" Exhibition Booklet, 2023, p. 15.