Mr. Walkman


Mr. Walkman is inspired by the advertisement campaign of the Sony Walkman’s audio player that was once very popular in the 1980s and 1990s.

A video of two old men walking:

a. A Western 80-year-old who walked with quite fast pace and appeared in Hanoi in 1995 and 1997 in his important business trips to Vietnam as an important figure from the World Bank (he was Director of World Bank from 1968 to 1981). In the 1960s, we also know of another man that is Robert McNamara, the United States Secretary of Defense. However in Hanoi in 1995, he was already an old 8-year-old man.

b. Another Vietnamese old man also 80 years olds who walked with a slower pace on a sand table (modeled after the S-shaped Vietnamese map with mini scenes). The act of walking on a sand table is an everyday ritual that he undertook as a public judgement. He once refered to this series of acts as a belief that once he did it enough, there would be no war between Northern and Southern Vietnam. He is the founder of the Religion Coconut Nguyễn Thành Nam. People would usually call him Uncle Hai.

Description is excerpted from "Every Bilious Honeymoon", 2022.