Since When Came the Ice-Breaking Tool

Installation view of exhibition “Every Bilious Honeymoon”, Á Space, 2022. Photograph: Đan Nguyễn. Courtesy: Artist and Á Space. Contributor: Á Space.

Installation view of exhibition “Every Bilious Honeymoon”, Á Space, 2022. Photograph: Đan Nguyễn. Courtesy: Artist and Á Space. Contributor: Á Space.



The so-called rock-breaking tool originated from a war scrap that is the Hoả Châu rocket above mentioned. It normally takes the form of an aluminum-cast tube with a 8–9cm diameter and 18–20cm length. This tube consists of 4 aluminum pieces. When it explodes, it will be broken out into separate and fall to the ground. An aluminum piece is collected and utilized as a tool for breaking ice (for drinks and beverage). Gradually, it becomes so popular that its typical function becomes soly a ice-breaking tool and people are not even aware of its origin but only its usage. Later, in order to meet the demands, a new type of ice-breaking tool was produced based on the original version with poorer quality in terms of delicacy and precision of the ratio and angularity

About 10 years ago, when a trend of using designs and decorations from the wartime and Subsidy period, the price of such original ice-breaking aluminum-cast tool was rather expensive. Later on, when there were more and more new types of the tools made from other materials such as inox, secondary aluminum, and cast-iron, the price of the original version is 230.000 – 300.000 VND. Those made of new secondary aluminum cast are 150.000 – 160.000 VND. Those made from thick inox is 70.000 – 80.000 VND. Those made from thin inox is 50.000 – 60.000 đồng. Those made of cast iron is 30.000 – 40.000 VND. We can easily buy all of those on Shopee.

Statement is excerpted from "Every Bilious Honeymoon" Exhibition Map, 2022.