Installation view of exhibition "leisure", Vin Gallery, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "leisure", Vin Gallery, 2024.

Artwork details of exhibition "leisure", Vin gallery 2024.

Artwork details of exhibition "leisure", Vin gallery 2024.

Artwork details of exhibition "leisure", Vin gallery 2024.

Artwork details of exhibition "leisure", Vin gallery 2024.

370 × 100 (cm)

Acrylic, silver gold on Canvas.

Artwork's data is being collected.


until the end of time compiles the artist's personal experiences, recorded in poems and personal notes, as well as sketches and drawings extracted from the artist's notebooks. The content closely follows the journey of the Dong Duong Lang Du Project, which is based on the historical missionary events of the Paris Missionary Society (Société des Missions étrangères de Paris) in Indochina with Father Alexandre de Rhodes since 1659. Extending from the solo show series Land of Leisure in 2018 at Manzi Hanoi, is the work DALAT, which is Latin for "Dat Aliis Laetitiam Aliis Temperiem", meaning "Gives Pleasure to Some, Freshness to Others", along with the series Hunting as a metaphor for politics, which examines geopolitics, Catholicism, along with deeply rooted colonial policies localized in the lives of local residents. In the aforementioned works, Phi Long mentions the complex layers of history that accompany the quintessence of heroism, the noble dream of enlightenment that once took place on the peak of Lâm Viên, turning Đà Lạt from a land of Relax - Rest gradually into the capital of profound conspiracies.

Description is excerpted from "leisure" Exhibition Press release, 2024.