
Installation view of exhibition "leisure", Vin Gallery, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "leisure", Vin Gallery, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "leisure", Vin Gallery, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "leisure", Vin Gallery, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "leisure", Vin Gallery, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "leisure", Vin Gallery, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "leisure", Vin Gallery, 2024.

  • Vin Gallery, 35/8 Nguyễn Văn Đậu, Bình Thạnh District, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Vin Gallery

leisure at Vin Gallery, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in 2024. Expanding from Lê Phi Long's 2016 project "Dong Duong Lang Du", this collection includes acrylic works, paper paintings, pine over lapis lazuli mixed with metallic foil, along with a “until the end of time” zine showcasing artist Lê Phi Long's Christian inspiration that led to the collection's title.

In the Dong Duong Lang Du project, based on geographical and historical knowledge, the artist researched archives about Vietnam, Cambodia, and France, drawing on personal experiences from Đà Lạt. During the quarantine in Paris in 2020, he found peace and inspiration while praying every week at the Église Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis, resonating with the concept of The End of Time. In this concept, as envisioned by Julian Barbour's "The End of Time", one enjoys an illusory universe without space and time. Similarly, Lê Phi Long finds an interpretation of this concept in the book "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle, explaining the awareness of the eternal present beyond the limits of time and space. Additionally, the artist deeply contemplates the chapter on "transcendental sensibility" in Kant's philosophy, questions the structure of time and space, and engages in profound experiences. Through these philosophical constraints, Phi Long positions himself not only as a creator but also as one who is observed.

Description is excerpted from "leisure" Exhibition Press release, 2024.
