Untitled (7 Events)

Installation view of exhibition "Untitled (7 Events)", Galerie Quynh, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "Untitled (7 Events)", Galerie Quynh, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "Untitled (7 Events)", Galerie Quynh, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "Untitled (7 Events)", Galerie Quynh, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "Untitled (7 Events)", Galerie Quynh, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "Untitled (7 Events)", Galerie Quynh, 2024.


Galerie Quynh is excited to present Untitled (7 Events) - a major solo exhibition by Hanoi-based artist Phạm Minh Hiếu. Developed over the past 10 years, Untitled (7 Events) is an exhibition of exhibitions with theoretical underpinnings in speculative realism[1] and new materialism[2]. Phạm has created imaginative ‘total installations’ that immerse spectators in an aesthetic experience. This way of making allows for divergence where different disciplines and genres intertwine, their boundaries fraying and transforming.

Untitled (7 Events) unfolds in fragments that float, rest, glide and accelerate over three floors, existing across different scales and temporalities, each exerting their own autonomy and agency. Phạm states, “I don’t believe that the exhibition is somehow larger than the sum of its parts, the individual installations. I am an advocate for the heterarchical thinking of Bruno Latour and his belief that ‘the smallest entities are always richer in difference and complexity than their aggregates’ and ‘the big, the whole, the great [...] is only a simpler, more standardized version [of the small].’”

Source: Galerie Quynh.


[1] Shaviro, S. (2015). Speculative Realism - a primer. Terremoto.


[2] Dolphijn, R., & Tuin, I. V. D. (2012). “Matter feels, converses, suers, desires, yearns and remembers”. In Dolphijn, R., & Tuin, I. V. D. (Eds.), New Materialism: Interviews & Cartographies (pp. 48-70). Open Humanities Press. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/o/ohp/11515701.0001.001/1:4.3/--new-materialism-interviews-cartographies