A Necromancy Painting

Installation view of exhibition "A Necromancy Painting", 22 Gallery, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "A Necromancy Painting", 22 Gallery, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "A Necromancy Painting", 22 Gallery, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "A Necromancy Painting", 22 Gallery, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "A Necromancy Painting", 22 Gallery, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "A Necromancy Painting", 22 Gallery, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "A Necromancy Painting", 22 Gallery, 2024.

Installation view of exhibition "A Necromancy Painting", 22 Gallery, 2024.

  • 22 Gallery, 22 Phạm Cự Lượng, Ward 2, Tân Bình District, Ho Chi Minh City
  • 22 Gallery


A Necromancy painting — an exhibition featuring 20 oil paintings on canvas by Phạm Trần Việt Nam. This collection navigates through the vast spectrum of human conditions - from injustice and hardship to deep-seated unrest, painting the fragile state of our contemporary world. With a strong autobiographical essence, the series portrays a candid lens into Phạm Trần Việt Nam's soul. Through painting, he establishes a profound connection with "another existence", delving into the void to listen to the voices of transient souls, weaving the intangible back into tangible forms.

Set against a background of dark theme, interspersed with touches of purple, moss green, and brown, bursts of red and yellow emerge as beacons of new energy. These colors guide him on a journey of artistic discovery and form, encouraging a heart open to exploration and a drawing style marked by freedom and expansivenessows Liberating from traditional constraints, the series innovatively disrupts the conventional with uniquely crafted cuts and holes, transforming the canvas frame from a boundary into a gateway for unbridled expression of his emotions.

A Necromancy painting invites us to reflect on the timeless queries of human life: the meaning of life and death, and the intricate layers of human complexity within the fabric of modern society. The exhibition promises a deep, insightful look into life's essence, kindling a sense of compassion and empathy for the disadvantaged.

Description is excerpted from "A Necromancy Painting" Exhibition booklet, 2024.