Black Landscapes

Installation view of exhibition “No more, not yet”, Nguyen Art Foundation, 2023.

Installation view of exhibition “No more, not yet”, Nguyen Art Foundation, 2023.


Single-channel digital video, color, sound.



In the moving image Black landscapes (2018–2020), green lights sparkle. These lights were placed near fish nets to attract insects that would then fall prey to the fish below. I placed these lights where people used to live; now, such human figures have disappeared and are fading away into the vast Mekong River. Echoing in the background is a prayer sung by an old shaman – herself an undocumented migrant who has left the water to live on shore:

‘It was fated that the fish stock would dry up;

it’s of no use to wish for their return.

The fish are gone, the people suffer, living a life no longer plentiful.

But all there is to do is pray:

for fish to come, for life to calm.’

Description from “No more, not yet” Exhibition Brochure, 2023, p. 9.