Eight Horses Chasing the Wind

Installation view of exhibition "Soon The Time Will Come", Á Space, 2023

Installation view of exhibition "Soon The Time Will Come", Á Space, 2023

Installation view of exhibition "Soon The Time Will Come", Á Space, 2023


Single-channel video, colour, sound, loop.

5 editions, 1 AP.


Eight Horses Chasing the Wind draws inspiration from the typical feng-shui decorative painting of the same title, which depicts a herd of horses charging forward as they set out to deliver good news. The beginning and the end of their journey is unknown. At one point, they seem to be stuck in a scenic landscape. While still running at full speed, they do not make any noticeable progress in their journey. Their rhythmic thuds juxtapose against the replay of the water-running sound as a person is doing the dishes. Despite their inherent repetition, both actions contradict one another in what they represent: while the former suggests masculine vitality and nobility, the latter mundane nature of domestic life, which could be taxing for some but therapeutic for others. By pairing them together, the work seeks to ease the intensity of the horse running – a deep-seated symbol of success and prosperity, and attempts to put an end to their never-ending journey.

Description by curator Linh Lê excerpted from "Soon The Time Will Come" Exhibition Catalog, 2023, p.3.