Fibre cement Roof Sheets

Installation view of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022. Photograph: Đỗ Văn Hoàng. Courtesy: Artist and Á Space.

Installation view of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022.

Installation view of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022.

Installation view of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022.

Artwork details of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022. Photograph: Đỗ Văn Hoàng. Courtesy: Artist and Á Space.

Artwork details of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022.

Artwork details of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022.

Artwork details of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022. Photograph: Đan Nguyễn. Courtesy: Artist and Á Space.

Artwork details of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022. Photograph: Đan Nguyễn. Courtesy: Artist and Á Space.

Artwork details of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022.

0.5 × 90 × 120 (cm)

*bờ-rô or bờ-rô xi măng is the way people from the artist’s hometown pronounce fibre/fibre cement.

Porcelain clay and paper pulp. 

Dimension: 0,5 x 90 x 120 cm/ sheet, 03 sheets. Variable dimension depending on time and space.


  • Scene 1: artist’s house

The cement roof tiles are used to support the sedimentation basin on the roof of a bathroom that has been whisked away by a storm.

  • Scene 2: the artist’s hometown, on the levee, a house selling building materials

The cement roof tiles are stacked high, each stack has two strings woven through to bind the tiles together.

  • Scene 3: the rooftop of Á Space

The porcelain roof tiles are made in the shape of the cement roof tiles, stacking on top of one another. Rain and sunlight will decompose the tiles naturally over the course of the showcase.

Description is excerpted from "no longer holding a cloud" Exhibition Guide, 2022.