Leaves Sleep into Deep Unawokenness

Installation view of exhibition “Every Bilious Honeymoon”, Á Space, 2022.

Installation view of exhibition “Every Bilious Honeymoon”, Á Space, 2022.


Installation of Lenticular print (size A4), Hand-drawn details with colored crayon on the wall.


A quite special thing that happened in the Nobel Prize 1973 in the Peace category is that the prize was awarded to two Henry Kissinger (USA) and Lê Đức Thọ (Vietnam). These two figured played an important role in the negotiation that led to the Paris Peace Accords being signed.

Every person that is awarded the Nobel prizes is all recognized with a profile picture in their online platform. However, since Lê Đức Thọ refused to receive the award, his “profile picture” on the Nobel’s site is replaced with a photo of a leaf (which might also be a riceflower or a laurel), which is even more recognizable across all other profile pictures. The image is so unique that it is easy to be remembered because of its visual correlations.

Description is excerpted from "Every Bilious Honeymoon", 2022.


Lenticular print of the transition between a branch with closed leaves, approximately half the prize awarded and the other half unawarded (in the notorious Nobel Prize 1973).

Statement is excerpted from "Every Bilious Honeymoon" Exhibition Map, 2022.