Swallowing Swallow

Installation view of exhibition "Soon The Time Will Come", Á Space, 2023

Installation view of exhibition "Soon The Time Will Come", Á Space, 2023

Installation view of exhibition "Soon The Time Will Come", Á Space, 2023

Installation view of exhibition "Soon The Time Will Come", Á Space, 2023

Installation view of exhibition "Soon The Time Will Come", Á Space, 2023

Installation view of exhibition "Soon The Time Will Come", Á Space, 2023

Installation view of exhibition "Soon The Time Will Come", Á Space, 2023

Installation view of exhibition "Soon The Time Will Come", Á Space, 2023


Single channel coloured video installation, steel, loop.

Video duration: 00:11:44.

Dimension variable.


Swallowing Swallow serves as the final attempt to manipulate the viewer’s point of view as their eyes are now penetrating minute particles of action. Intrigued by the fleeting imbalance that precedes seconds right before the feet land on the ground reaching a state of stability, the work ruminates on the possible entanglement between physical force and state of mind. Swallows are often associated with the passage of time due to their seasonal migratory habits (they migrate when the temperature begins to drop, and return when it starts to warm up), thus the work also imagines the possibility of time manipulation through a physical act.

Description by curator Linh Lê excerpted from "Soon The Time Will Come" Exhibition Catalog, 2023, p.22.