no longer holding a cloud

Installation view of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022. Photograph: Đan Nguyễn. Courtesy: Artist and Á Space.

Installation view of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022. Photograph: Đỗ Văn Hoàng. Courtesy: Artist and Á Space.

Installation view of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022. Photograph: Đan Nguyễn. Courtesy: Artist and Á Space.

Installation view of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022. Photograph: Đỗ Văn Hoàng. Courtesy: Artist and Á Space.

Installation view of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022. Photograph: Đan Nguyễn. Courtesy: Artist and Á Space.

Installation view of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022. Photograph: Đỗ Văn Hoàng. Courtesy: Artist and Á Space.

Installation view of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022. Photograph: Đỗ Văn Hoàng. Courtesy: Artist and Á Space.

Installation view of exhibition “no longer holding a cloud”, Á Space, 2022. Photograph: Đan Nguyễn. Courtesy: Artist and Á Space.



‘no longer holding a cloud’ is the first stop that marks the more than year-long journey of Linh San working with the idea of ‘matter dispersal’, when for the first time, she experimented with clay, a material that requires a different handling of form-creation to her earlier practice with poetry and videos.

Through the tension between the kneading and the contact of the hand with the weight, heat, strength, looseness and density of the material in this journey, Linh San explores all the potential expressions of clay, and simultaneously questions the physical limitations of the material as well as her own body.

This mixture of soil, water and chemicals is not a material to simply create shapes; it also envelopes and cradles the years gone by, a place for memories to be incarnated and be liberated. Done with meticulous and painstaking efforts, in almost a ritualistic manner, the series of works in ‘no longer holding a cloud’ materializes the shapes of the feelings left inarticulate, a reflection on the absence, the remnants left behind of a fragment of life, and the path to becoming oneself through each fold and mold.

no longer holding a cloud is also a conclusion to the three-month residency and focused work by Linh San at Á Space, within the #SoloMarathon 2022 program, with support from the Prince Claus Fund, friends and colleagues.

Source: Á Space.